This is Alix Martinez, a beautiful woman in her 40's, a really talented photographer, a mother of three.
Alix was diagnosed with a lemon size mass in her left lung in January. A lemon, (such a random way to size something) was how I got to hear about Alix. Her friend ordered my lemon necklace, addressing it to: Alix “the lemon squasher” I didn’t think much of that nickname, figured it was an inside joke between friends.
When I saw Alix’s photo wearing her lemon necklace, I learned what this particular lemon stood for, and why Alix needs to become a lemon squasher.
I always have a story in mind when I create a piece of jewelry, and sometimes my customers share their stories with me, but this story moved something inside me.
The lemon has become a symbol of her fight. Her photographer friends created this amazing image feed of lemon photographs, the one above is by Liz Labianca. They've also started The Lemon Challenge to raise awareness for lung cancer and to remind everyone to have yearly checkups.