My New Year’s resolution has been cooking up inside for quite some time. I wish 2015 to be a year of creation. A year of learning, experimenting and of bringing ideas to life.
I make resolutions with every new year, I’ve always liked the opportunity to look back and challenge myself. The difference with this year is that I’m creating a format for my resolution.
Using these two jars, In 2015 I wish to make a small ‘capsule project’ every month. Jar one contains all the ideas I’ve accumulated but never got around to actually producing. Jar two contains all the different techniques and materials I’ve always wanted to learn and experiment with. On the first day of every month I will draw one note from my jar of ideas, the ‘what’ jar, and one from the jar of materials and techniques, the ‘how’ jar. I hope that the twist brought by these unplanned matches will make my journey of creation interesting and enriching.